sound familiar?
You are ready to start living your life again, but...
➤ you end up in a flare up every time you go to a social event, exercise, or do daily chores.
➤ you've tried all the things: diet, exercising, yoga, and meditation but nothing is working.
➤ you're tired of pretending everything is okay because people don't believe you anyway.
➤ you're exhausted going to work, juggling life, and "doing it all" while living with pain.
➤ you are too busy seeing specialists and being shuffled around a failing medical system.
➤ you don't know where to start.

The Endo Revolution Program
A step-by-step program that guides you back to living a more "normal" life without the roller coaster of flare-ups and exhaustion.

Built for people with Endometriosis, who are READY to turn their life around.
This program uses an evidence-based approach, leading you from a cycle of 'boom & bust', to living the life you picture for yourself.
"I have suffered with chronic pelvic pain/Endometriosis for over 20 years; the past few years had become unbearable, which impacted every aspect of my life. Upon my first visit with Jill, I was given more information regarding my pelvic pain than any doctor had given me my entire life. 20+ years of suffering all made sense in 1 hour. The help she provided me with that day improved my pain in less than a month and for the first time in decades, I am not afraid of my cycle. Thank you Jill!
- Michelle M.

"There are not enough words to describe how much Jill has helped me since I met her in the Fall of 2019. She has not only helped me physically, but mentally and emotionally as well."
- J.C.

"I've seen improvements in my symptoms and also in my anxiety surrounding doctors appointments. Jill has helped to make endo more manageable for me on a day to day basis."
- Rachel L.

"Jill, my pelvic physiotherapist is fantastic and has helped me through my journey of stage 4 endometriosis and infertility, as well as my post-op bladder and bowel needs."
- Cass L.
This probably isn't your first step in your Endometriosis Journey
I know that you've tried it all already!
They may help control your pain (maybe), but at the expense of feeling like crap in other ways, being bloated, or gaining weight.
Traditional Therapies
Acupuncture, diet modification, massage, Chiro and even Pelvic Physio may have been helpful temporarily, but maybe they even have made things feel worse. Your body and nervous system are sensitive, and nothing seems to be helping.
Maybe you've done your due diligence and found the right gynaecologist with a focus in Endo. Someone who can do excision surgery, and maybe you've tried that - perhaps more than once, and are still in pain.
The Endo Revolution Program is Different!
This program is based on the scientific research in chronic pain, and why traditional methods of treating persistent pain in the medical system are failing.
Still not sure if the program is right for you?
Take the Quiz
Recognize and record the start of your healing journey. Implement a new flare plan.

Learn why the stages of Endometriosis don't correlate to pain.

Learn what our brain and nervous system has to do with it (hint...everything).

Step-by-step strategies to shift your nervous system and your change pain.

Motion is lotion. Address "boom & bust" and "I'm too tired to move" mentalities. (A choose your own adventure module)

Rewrite your period plan... what you are doing now may be feeding in to your pain cycle.

Learn step-by-step how to reconnect with ("Choose your own adventure"):
- exercising
- becoming more social
- daily chores, and
- intimacy

Sleep is a major foundation of health. Learn better sleep strategies.

Reflect... a look back at how far you've come.

Bonus module: a look at another influence on pain; and next steps.
What you need
for a successful program to help you change your Endometriosis Pain

An understanding of pain science.

Pain retraining guidance & tools.

Support from a positive & inclusive community.
The Endo Revolution Program is different than other programs out there...
The science and strategies behind retraining pain has been out for over a decade; but it isn't being recognized by the medical community. Research in Endometriosis is JUST starting to recognize why people are still suffering after surgery, don't respond to medication, and even predict who may not respond to traditional therapy. This program address both the "WHY" and "HOW".
The program requires a mindset shift. One where you start to realize there are proven methods, outside of the medical system, that will show you YOU can do something to change your pain and symptoms.
You just need to be shown how!
AND, you will have the support and encouragement from other community members going through the program with you.
This program is my heart & soul, years of personal experience, countless courses, extensive research, and time with patients.
You will have:
✓ 6 months access to the step-by-step program, showing you what to focus on and how to progress;
✓ a community of other people going through the program, sharing struggles and wins for the duration of the program.
Today is the day to start taking control of your Endometriosis-pain!
Wondering if this program is right for you?
✓ You are tired of feeling like no one understands.
✓ You have been told that nothing can be found, and feel that they are saying it is all in your head (but you know it isn't).
✓ You've tried everything - restrictive diet, therapies, medication, maybe even surgery.
✓ You don't want to live this way, you have better plans for your life, you just need direction.
➤ You are not ready or don't have the energy to implement changes to move forward in your life.
➤ You want the magic "pill" that is going to change things overnight for you.
➤ You are look for 1:1 coaching
➤ You are looking for this to be covered under physiotherapy.
➤ You have tried "everything" and feel that this is another thing that will fail.
Still Not Sure?
Take the QuizFAQ
What credentials do you have to teach this?
How do I know this will work?
Will my pain be gone in 6 months?
Is this covered under Physio?
Can I get a refund?
Ready to get started?
Why waste any more time? Six months from now you could be living a better life, one where you don't have to worry about what time of the month it is, one where you can reconnect with friends and family, one that doesn't leave you in pain or exhausted every time you do something.